Github Statistics Dashboard

A user-friendly web service to visualize GitHub account statistics.

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Key Features

User Profile Information

User Profile Information

Fetch and display detailed user profile information from GitHub, including their username, bio, location, and the number of followers and following.

Repository Statistics

Repository Statistics

Display essential repository statistics such as the number of stars, forks, open issues, and programming language used. Users can track their repository performance in real-time.

Real-time Data Retrieval

Real-time Data Retrieval

Retrieve the latest GitHub user and repository data directly from the GitHub API, ensuring that users always see the most up-to-date information.

About This Project

The GitHub Stats Dashboard was born out of a personal need to simplify the process of accessing key GitHub metrics quickly. As a developer, I often found myself jumping between different pages on GitHub to check user profiles, repositories, and important statistics like stars and forks. I wanted to streamline this process and create an easy-to-use dashboard that pulls all the necessary information into one place. This project is also part of my Portfolio Project for Holberton School. You can check out the full project on GitHub, also connect with me on my socials!

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